Sign the petition to save Frankston Beach

Frankston’s beautiful beaches attract over one million visitors a year for recreation, swimming and wellbeing. They are Frankston’s number one natural asset.

  • Frankston Council plans is to build a breakwater off Olivers Hill, “a rock wall with a road on top for emergency vehicle access” jutting way out into the bay, costing many millions of dollars.
  • The project is being undertaken without adequate studies over sufficient time to ascertain the full impact of littoral drift and other changes to Frankston, Daveys Bay and Seaford beaches. Expert coastal scientific and engineering opinion is that physical and computer modelling is needed over MANY SEASONS, not mere WEEKS for the hydrographic survey planned by Council.
  • THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE MUST BE ADOPTED. Council must undertake every necessary professional study to ensure the ongoing viability and protection of the marine environment, ecosystems, coastal processes, cultural and heritage values, aesthetics, vistas, recreation, tourism and water based activities
  • Other bay beaches have been damaged by construction of breakwaters including Sandringham, Brighton, Hampton and Middle Park.  We must learn from the mistakes made by other Councils.
  • Frankston ratepayers will not be willing to bear ongoing costs for sand replenishment and beach rejuvenation.
  • If beaches are damaged, it is Frankston Council that will be held accountable.

Please join with FBA-the 30 year protectors of Frankston’s beaches- in telling the CEO, Mayor and Councillors WE SAY NO TO THE BREAKWATER at least until proper coastal scientific and engineering processes and physical modelling data show unequivocally that Frankston beach environments will be unspoilt.

Please sign our petition here today.

For more information see or contact us on .

Email to all Frankston Councillors

Individual Councillors : 

1. Mayor Cr Nathan Conroy Email: Phone: 0424 515 930

2. Deputy Mayor Cr Suzette Tayler Email: Ph: 0438 179 515

3. Cr Kris Bolam JP Email: Phone: 0417 921 644

4. Cr Steven Hughes Email: Phone: 0402 729 150

5. Cr Sue Baker Email: Phone: 0438 145 842

6. Cr David Asker Email: Phone: 0438 175 560

7. Cr Brad Hill Email: Phone: 0438 212 426

8. Cr Claire Harvey Email: Phone: 0438 267 778

9. Cr Liam Hughes Email: Phone: 0434 703 239

State Member for Frankston

Paul Edbrooke MP  Phone: (03) 9783 9822

Federal Member for Dunkley

Peta Murphy MP Email:  Phone:  (03) 9781 2333

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